Browsing All posts tagged under »ACIM«

How Can I Trust My Heart?

April 25, 2012


Is the heart truly trustworthy? Oh how I yearn to follow my heart but can I trust it, really trust it? This is the most pertinent question in my life right now. There is some confusion, in me and in you too, about what it means to follow the heart. Instinctual compulsions, lust, and much […]

A Course of Love – The Way of the Heart

April 18, 2012


My copy just got in yesterday and I’m eager to share. The entire text of A Course of Love is available online but this stunningly beautiful foreword from the second edition has not yet been posted. (Foreword from the Second Edition of “A Course of Love“) A Course of Love is an invitation to “share […]

Why am I Still Here?

March 31, 2012


So after kind of bashing the legitimacy of spiritual seeking online, I’m still here and planning to write about spiritual topics. And Myers-Briggs. But why? Why bother? Why does anyone blog? 1) Because I do viscerally feel connected with people online.  My feelings about blogging – my blogs and other people’s – are real to […]

The Gift of Being Wrong

March 23, 2012


Every since I watched Kathryn Schulz’s brilliant TED talk on being wrong, I’ve wanted to post something here about the incredible pleasure that can arise from being wrong. Here’s my opinion in a nutshell: Being wrong is one of the most liberating experiences. I actually adapted a lesson from A Course in Miracles about being […]

Peace vs. Complacency

March 23, 2012


Q: Do we need conflict to exist? A: Our identity as we know it is actually based in conflict. On the most basic level, we know what we are by exclusion, by defining what we are not. So existence in the fundamentally egoic sense is based on the notion of separation. Q: Can’t you have […]

3 Lessons that will Change the World

February 26, 2012


My husband Daniel has this twinkle in his eye like he’s on to something. “What do we teach?” he asks me. I’m confused, “Information?” I ask. When he repeats the question, “What is the one thing we teach?” I ask if he means the message. Yes, he asks “What is the core content of anything […]

Holy Mother (a poem)

February 21, 2012


Peace is a woman, mother to the world, Whom God has sent to lay a hand Across a thousand children’s fevered brows. In its cool certainty there is no fear, And from her breasts there comes a quietness For them to lean against and to be still. She brings a message to their frightened hearts […]

Divine Authority – the real deal

February 10, 2012


Q: What is the spiritual meaning of authority? A: Authority is a strange thing. In this world authority is confused with dominance. It is fought for and requires protection. It can be both given and stolen away, often violently, or eroded away over time. This worldly hierarchical dominance-based authority is not natural. Q: What? A: […]

Egolessness vs. Self-esteem

February 4, 2012


Q:What is the difference between egolessness and developing a healthy self-esteem? I feel like I’m trying to do both and I suspect they’re incompatible. …And there are some feelings of guilt around that, to the tune of: Shouldn’t I be getting over my ego, not boosting it or even trying to make it a ‘good’ […]

Blogging without the Devil

January 28, 2012


Q: How shall I start? A: With a question. A question loosens reality as you know it. It allows the possibility of something beyond your awareness. It is an invitation. (Don’t ask what you think you should ask, stick to your most sincere questions). Q: Is this how I should write this blog? In Q&A […]